Sustainable Travel

Tourism can bring many economic and social benefits, particularly in rural areas and developing countries, and should be fun, exciting, and eye-opening to the traveller. However, tourism can only be sustainable if it is carefully managed so that potential negative effects on the host community and the environment are not permitted to outweigh the financial benefits. Read more about the actions we take in order to guarantee for our travellers to travel as sustainable as possible:
Animal welfare

The number of wildlife found in the world is reducing every year. We try to protect the wildlife as much as we can, whether it's by raising awareness to our clients by not riding elephants or any other activities that would include animals. We also don't book any accommodations that are funded by hunting funds, or support hunting.

Environmental protection

We offset our and your Co2 by planting trees on your behalf!  When you book your trip with us – to any of our destinations – we will donate, on your behalf, to the reforestation project. With this donation, you will help to plant trees and alleviating extreme poverty and create positive impact and change at a large scale

Giving back to communities

Where your money goes is important, so we work together with our local partners to make sure that the money remains within the communities.  We only use local guides, recommend hotels owned by the locals and support local charities.

Fight against child and human trafficking

In case our guide or local team notices any child abuse, we immediately report this to the local authorities. As a company, we do not support or offer any volunteering opportunities, or visits to orphanages. Your Travel Nation also does not support giving money to children selling or begging on the streets, but we would rather take you to a local school where you can make a contribution.

Eliminate single use plastic

We reduce the use of single-use plastic by providing our clients with refill water bottles. We also try to reduce other single-use plastic during our tours like offering warm lunches at restaurants or in picnic baskets.

Sustainable Development Goals

As a company, we fully stand behind the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Through the several projects we support, we make sure that we contribute to the SDG. As a company, we also encourage women to explore a career in the travel and tourism industry and is one of the reasons why the biggest part of our team is made up of awesome women.

Mission & Vision

Committing to a greener tomorrow: 100% plastic-free, 120% carbon offset, and 1 million trees by 2025.

Reduce the use of plastic by 100% in the next 2 years and offset all our tours by 120%, including our office carbon offset. Yes, you read that right, 120%!

Raise awareness for our travellers and leave them with nothing but beautiful memories and more knowledge of how to travel our planet in a sustainable way.

We are looking forward to supporting more local charities and communities. We also strive to have planted 1 million trees by 2030.

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi